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29 October 2010

28 October 2010

Meeting Marco at the Bal Masqué!

Period of Halloween?! noooo, Fashion Week feedbacks!

On my way to JCDC Catwalk in Paris, I bumped into an old blogger friend Mademoiselle Francesca but it was very hard for me to recognize her with her mask.

Have you ever been to a masked bal? I've always find this very mysterious and glamour!!

So today i'll make you meet the marvelous Marco Faundez - known as EL GUERRERO. Blogger, designer & artistic director of a communication agency, Marco is creates masks as an accessory to wear day & night...

Mario could you tell me three words that would define yourself?

"struggle, authentic, child"

Three words to define your designs?

"symbolic, historic, out of time"

Masking people...why?

"we all wear a 'mask' following different states we have to face, so why not making them alive?"

Blogger during the day, designer at night?

"Designer and artistic director during the day, blogger at night "

Your inspirations?

"My life and their life"

Your favorite accessory?

"My adidas jacket, my "gri-gri" - luckycharms.

The song you're listening again & again today

"SPACE from M.I.A"

So...which will be your mask for the next Bal?

photos by Anne d'Ovidio / Who is she?

19 October 2010

Few hours with Mc Luvin....We Luv it!

As the new trend goes to dirty & rock'n boyzz here is a nice preview to it...

Bad boys are always the one we prefer so here is the result of few hours with Mc Luvin...

Just Because THEY ARE...




FRENCH & they YEAH YEAH YEAH...and this is the best reason EVER!

Check out the video!

12 October 2010

Dear Baptiste Giabiconi, looking fool never killed anyone...

...but it might get your showtime over...

Being French,GORGEOUS EVER & Karl's muse was not enought for our dear Baptiste that just decided to make like Saint Gaga or Lady Paradis & give us some sound!

Recorded in Paris, his first single called "Showtime" might be the end of his carreer on the Glamourous, Chic & Distinguissed Fashion Paris...but will help him in US for sure!

When Karl told him:
When I was - yes, when I was a child, yes because in school we could make a choice between ballroom dancing and gym and I chose ballroom dancing.
he just didn't listened & thought it was just cooler to pass from Chanel stages to 50 Cents studios...

Babe, don't steal too many fans to Britney or she might try to pathetically kill herself...again...

When Wikipedia wears Prada, you can call it WikiFashion...


French Vogue is giving today the opportunity to learn more about fashion tips, history and world...

From Castelbaljac to Misel...all our fashion people are here & well explained :)

So now, if around a very-super-fashionable-poshy diner, you don't get who is who during the conversation you can always click on "Wiki de la mode" from your iphone!!

If I read one article per day I might be able to say you is wearing what on the next Chanel défilé!

11 October 2010

Our lives without heels...

As the new trend goes to higher and thinner doc told me today than heels are bad for my little baby feet and then I started to imagine our lives without heels!

Do not put heels:you will look 1m60 and God knows your legs look fatter this way and you do to...

Do not put heels: you will be asked your ID at club entrances...girls from 16 DO NOT CARE about their feet, so you did at this age...

TO DO or NOT TO put is the real question!

Ok NO DRAMA girls because Christian, our dear Christian found the answer in its new super cuty, super chic Freddy shoes...check them on Mika and then die in front of the nude pair with gold pins in the windows Rue Saint Honoré...

Christian, our feet love you...

...but don't think I won't put my heels tonight!!