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12 October 2010

Dear Baptiste Giabiconi, looking fool never killed anyone...

...but it might get your showtime over...

Being French,GORGEOUS EVER & Karl's muse was not enought for our dear Baptiste that just decided to make like Saint Gaga or Lady Paradis & give us some sound!

Recorded in Paris, his first single called "Showtime" might be the end of his carreer on the Glamourous, Chic & Distinguissed Fashion Paris...but will help him in US for sure!

When Karl told him:
When I was - yes, when I was a child, yes because in school we could make a choice between ballroom dancing and gym and I chose ballroom dancing.
he just didn't listened & thought it was just cooler to pass from Chanel stages to 50 Cents studios...

Babe, don't steal too many fans to Britney or she might try to pathetically kill herself...again...

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